No Risk Registration & Money Back Guarantee

No-Risk Registration

Not sure whether you or your employees will be able to attend an upcoming seminar? You can reserve your space in the class at any time and cancel without penalty. Cancellations made more than 14 days prior to the seminar may be refunded or rescheduled. Cancellations made within 14 days may be rescheduled for any future topic and/or date. 

You can also choose the “Pay by Invoice” option at registration to make it even easier to finalize your plans later. 

Not sure which employees you’ll send for training? You can also freely make substitutions among attendees up to the time of the seminar.

Note that you must provide notice of cancellation in order to receive a refund or to cancel the invoice. Just call us at 877-978-7246 6:30AM-5:00PM MST to notify us.

Money-Back Guarantee

The best testimonial to the quality of our seminars is our repeat business — more than 40% of our registrations come from past customers. We’re confident enough in the strength of our industrial training to offer a Money Back Guarantee. 

In the rare event that you are unsatisfied with the value of our training after attending a seminar, simplify notify us in writing at We’ll promptly refund your payment. 

International and Overseas

Please note that our guarantee does not apply to international or overseas registrations. Payment for international and overseas students must be made prior to the start of the seminar, in U.S. dollars, and all seminar fees are non-refundable. Student substitutions can be freely made at any time prior to the start of the seminar. 

For New Hampshire residents

All refunds shall be paid within 30 days upon written notification from a student of cancellation or withdrawal and students receiving benefits from federal programs shall be subject to federal refund policies, rules, and regulations, per Hedc 304.01.


Ready to attend a training seminar? 
Browse topics, locations, and register for seminars here.